The brave new world of microblogs

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It’s time to talk about microblogging.

First, I’m aware that writing 800 words about extremely short-form content is ironic. You have five seconds to point and laugh. 

Done? Ok. 

The truth is a longer blog is just a bunch of microblogs shoved together, just like a lot of books these days are a collection of longer blogs. So it all works out in the end. 

Let’s get into it…

What is micro-blogging?

Information super-sharers post long-form content on the web to educate their audience and capture clicks from SEO. These articles can stretch up to 5,000 words. I wrote that much once about restaurant-quality oil fryers so please, ask me anything on the subject. 

In addition to capturing Google’s attention, long form content is amazing for customers who are in fully-fledged research mode and have a lot of questions on their minds. 

A short-form blog post used to be considered around the 600-800 word mark. Post these on your website (don’t just use ChatGPT) and you will let Google know you have created something with a bit of thought behind it. Your audience will need around 2 – 3 minutes of reading time, perhaps on the couch at the end of the day. 

People definitely still consume content this way (you’re doing it right now). We’re all still doing it because it works. 

A microblog is a hyper-short-form piece of up to 100 – 300 words. It fills those short moments between meetings or while you’re waiting for a bus, and is designed to live on social media. 

What I love about microblogs is that they are a cost-effective way to be a bit more creative with your content and get more use out of those longer pieces. 

Why micro-blog?

Here are three reasons why micro-blogs should be part of your content marketing strategy. 


Attention spans are getting shorter

According to an article from Nielsen Norman Group, most users will read up to 28% of words on any given web page. This doesn’t mean you don’t need the content because lots of people still do like to see more information, especially when they are ready to buy. 

But presenting fewer words to start with can increase engagement, particularly at the top of your lead funnel. 

Consider that you have 1 – 3  seconds to grab someone’s attention. If you can get a clear message across in that time, you’re winning. 


Funnily enough it can sometimes take as much time to write a micro-blog as it does to write a short-form article. You have fewer words to work with, so you have to think carefully. 

However, if you already have a longer article, it’s pretty quick to tidy it up into a series of microblogs. Add some context and top and tail with some emojis, images, hashtags and calls to action, and you’re away. 

Bang for your buck

Share a monthly blog on your website and you get one chance to expose it to your audience on social media.

Truth bomb: not everyone will see your monthly post. 

You should definitely still share the article, but by breaking it into microblogs, you’ll increase your visibility and keep feeding that hungry social media beast with less effort. 

One idea is to come up with a monthly topic and follow a schedule to post twelve times. You can share articles, microblogs, graphics and videos. Pepper the gaps in your social media calendar with industry updates or shared content to mix things up even more. 

How to write an unmissable microblog

Micro-blogs can work as a series but they still need to stand alone (unless you’re going on a Twitter/X rant)

Brief as they are, they still need a beginning, middle and end. 

Here are some tips for making your micro-blogs effective:

Keep it tight: The word count is low, so there is no room for waffle. Be concise and to the point. Write without fear… edit without mercy!

Stick to one subject only: You don’t have the word count to wander. Speak to a single topic or idea. 

Use emojis to grab attention: Emojis are an excellent visual shorthand. Don’t be shy to stick some in to draw focus to your points and break up your copy. Check my LinkedIn – you’ll see me doing it. 

Be clear: Make it obvious who you are speaking to and what problem you are solving upfront.

Try to avoid saying “I”: People prefer to read about themselves than about you. Say “you” as often as possible.

Add the ‘drama’ and the ‘carrot’: You start by talking about what you’re talking about. Then you explain why it’s a concern. Try finishing up with a carrot, e.g. ‘Once this problem is solved, you’ll have a lot more time in your day’. 

Don’t forget a call to action: Even if it’s just asking people to hit like if they agree or share their own thoughts. You don’t have to always be selling with your microblogs.

Add an image to capture attention: You know the old saying about how many words a picture is worth. It’s very true. Add one to grab attention. Pop your logo onto it and a caption. 

Tag people and don’t forget your hashtags:  Tag people who you think might be interested or who might want to contribute, and add four to six relevant hashtags. 

Add a link: Link to an article or longer blog, but do it in the comments. This way, people are prompted to interact with your post, and social media algorithms are happy. 


Add microblogs to your content ecosystem

Consider this: 

  • One topic
  • One long form or two short form articles
  • Four – six microblogs
  • Two – four graphics or carousels
  • Two – four reels / videos
  • One newsletter

This will give you regular exposure on social media, SEO ‘juice’ and direct engagement with your existing client base. 

It can all be put together from just 45 minutes of your time on a phone or video call.


Want to know more? Book a time to chat today

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